Friday, February 24, 2012

A recent analysis showed that bisphosphonates ...

New shows that popular drugs increase bone may increase rather than decrease the risk of certain types of rare fractures. Bisphosphonates, which include alendronate (fosamaks) ibandronat (Boniva) and zoledronovoyi acid (Reclast), work, slowing bone loss and is a popular way to deal with osteoporosis, age-related thinning of the bones, especially in women after menopause. But recent studies show that while the drugs do to prevent osteoporosis fractures overall, they may increase the break in the other, sometimes stronger bones. (

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The study involved almost 4,300 women, all of whom used bisphosphonates during the study period between 2002 and 2008, those who took drugs more than five years more than twice as likely than those who use drugs in a shorter time to develop hip fractures. Breaks in bones, say the authors of the study of rare and usually occurs only after trauma such as car accident or other violent injuries. shaft the femur usually protected against osteoporosis decay tend to occur more often in the lower part of the bone near the hip as well as more sophisticated architecture of the wrist and spine. BЂњWe know Many drugs used can have both advantages and damage , BЂ "says Laura Park Villa, Fellow of St. MichaelBЂ ™ s Hospital in Toronto, and co-author >> << published Tuesday in the Journal of American Medical Association. BЂњWe know that these drugs prevent hip fractures , wrist and spine, but we also know that with prolonged use, it would seem a small increased risk of fractures below the thigh. BЂ "

Park Willie emphasizes that, like other studies, the current study showed that bisphosphonates really protect against fractures caused by osteoporosis in most often attacks the bones, but they seemed to weaken other parts of the skeleton. how drugs give them contradictory effects (

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Despite the visibility of a stable, unchanging substance active bone tissue where new cells are constantly dying from birth to old age, however. more bone than did lost, resulting in a weak and thinned skeleton. Bisphosphonates help to restore balance, slowing the destruction of bone. This allows the bone-making to catch up and maintain a healthy frame. But changing the dynamics of bone formation may not affect all bones as well, as evidenced by the fact that some patients have difficulty with healing of bones, particularly after dental surgery, and medicine. A recent analysis found that bisphosphonates may lead to somewhat higher risk of jaw bone deterioration caused by reduced blood flow to bone-related drugs. Most patients experience a rare condition, however, is the treatment of cancer and used the IV, but not oral forms of drugs. Park Willie and her team point out that the risk of fractures in the lower part of thigh is equally rare. Thus, although women who take drugs for more than five lasix heart medication years, more than twice the risk of fractures, which increase based on small absolute risk BЂ " , about one in 1,000 women using bisphosphonates long-term experience of hip fracture in this year went for them in the study. BЂњWomen with osteoporosis who are at high risk of osteoporosis, fractures should not stop because the benefits to them outweigh the risks of drugs, BЂ " Park says Willie BЂњBut prolonged use can serve as a basis for review, especially if women with low risk of osteoporosis BЂ "(

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risk factors for thinning bones include age, family history of certain diseases, such as disease CrohnBЂ ™ s as well as smoking and being Caucasian or Asian descent. If women donBЂ ™ t many of these risk factors, says Villa Park, they should discuss with your doctor whether you they remain on bisphosphonates more than a few years. benefits, they may not be worth the risk.

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